How to Potty Train an Older Dog in Under a Week

Potty training any dog is no easy task, but potty training an older dog can be particularly challenging. However, it’s never too late to teach an old dog new tricks, and with the right strategies, you can train your older pup in no time. This post will give you all the tips and tricks you need to potty train an older dog in under a week.
We’ll cover everything from crate training and positive reinforcement to setting up a potty schedule and handling accidents. We’ll also provide some troubleshooting tips for common potty-training problems so you can get your pup house-trained in no time.
Assessment of Dog’s Background
Before beginning the potty training process, assessing your pet’s background is important. How often did they go outside before you acquired them? Are they used to being outdoors, or do they prefer being inside? Knowing this information can help you to create a better timeline for your pup’s house training journey.
Establishing Routine
Creating a consistent routine for your pet is essential for successful potty training. Determine fixed times when your pet will eat, sleep, and go outside for bathroom breaks. Establishing a specific area outside your home or yard where your pet goes to potty is also important. This designated area will become associated with relieving themselves and make it easier for them to remember that this is their spot for potty breaks.
Reward System
Using rewards as positive reinforcement can be key in helping your pup understand what behavior you expect from them. Giving them a treat or verbal praise after they have completed their business outside is a great way to reward them and remind them that this is the behavior you desire from them.
Understanding Your Dog
Not all canines learn the same way, and some may take longer than others to understand what behaviors to expect from them. Take time to observe your pet’s reaction when being taken outside and ask yourself what their body language tells you; do they seem uninterested or ready for bathroom time? Understanding how your pet reacts to certain situations can help you better predict when and how often they need potty breaks.
Addressing Accidents
Accidents are inevitable when potty training any type of pet, especially older dogs. It is key during these moments to avoid discipline as this could hinder the progress made by your pup thus far. Instead, gently remind them that peeing/pooping indoors is not allowed and escort them outside immediately so they can correctly finish their business outdoors instead of inside the house/yard where it started.
Progress Checks
Check in with your pup’s progress regularly, each day if possible, so that you know exactly how far along they are in understanding what behavior to expect regarding potty training. Even if there have been accidents, remembering what areas have improved due to the efforts put forth by both you and your pet can help keep spirits up and encourage continued success going forward. After only one week of hard work and dedication towards potty training, you may also want to consider purchasing an invisible dog fence if needed, which will act as an additional safety measure for when your pup ventures outdoors on its own.
Final Thoughts!
House training an older dog does not have to be a daunting task. By following the steps outlined above and utilizing positive reinforcement, patience, and consistency, you, too, can potty train your pup in under a week!
Remember always to be understanding and encouraging, and never seek to punish your pet for accidents. Older dogs are often more set in their ways, but with your guidance, they can learn to master any task. Potty training is no exception! With a little love, patience, and the right techniques, you and your pup will be experts in no time.
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